Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Remember the beginnings...

This past July 4th as I watched the celebratory programs on TV,  I was compelled to reflect once again on the kind of spirit that can be stirred up in this wonderful nation, the United States of America. As history was revisited and the future pondered, there were the undeniable imprints of Love, Hope and Faith, which are said to be forever present. My thoughts became filled with a mix of gladness... sadness..., and again gladness. Gladness because I was encouraged by the past; sadness because I was discouraged by the insanities of the present...of which i am not blameless; and more gladness because of hope for the future. My heart cries out in love... let pride be laid aside! let bitterness be cast off! Let Love, Truth, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Mercy flow abundantly!! Against these there is NO law.  If only a nation will humble themselves and pray, turn from wicked ways and seek the face of the God of the Universe whose name is Jehovah and in His Christ, every iniquity will be forgiven and the sickness in the land will be healed; every bond will be LOOSED! and FREEDOM will reign! It will begin with a stronger INDIVIDUAL! then stronger RELATIONSHIPS! then a stronger NATION! What enemy can then prevail?

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